Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Saint Hyacinth of Poland

Saint Hyacinth of Poland had a brother named Ceslaus who was a year older than Hyacinth, they were both interested in the spiritual life at an early age, so when they grew older, their uncle Ivo who was the bishop of cracow took them in, and then when dominic de guzman came he brought them to his monastery with herman and henry who were lay attendants to the bishop, and then after three months, bishop ivo said he needed them

to be continued

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The women at the tomb - a narration

on Sunday after Jesus had risen some women went to the tomb very early to put spices on Jesus's body.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The resurrection of Jesus - a narration

when the apostles heard that Jesus was dead they came back to Jerusalem and then they went to the house where they ate the last supper with Jesus, they were pretty sad, but on Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead as he had promised.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Saint Pius the X - language in context

page 9
"But he could use his fists, too."- he could fight well.
page 10
"I will give two apples to anyone who can tell me where God isn't."- God is everywhere.
page 20
"There has been no messenger, Father, but I know it is true. Please may I go?" - there has been no messenger but God told him that his Dad was sick.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Saint Isaac

Saint Isaac (pere Isaac) wanted to become a Priest so he did and then he became a Missionary so he went to Canada to teach the Huron Indians about God been there before) and she brought so he and the other priests went around teaching Indians about God but then winter came and a lot of Indians got sick and they blamed it on the priests because they thought that the priests were sorcerers so the Indians wouldn't let them in to their houses to take care of the sick, and then the Hurons held a council and they decided that they would let some young braves execute them so the priests gave a farewell feast and the Hurons decided that they weren't scared so they didn't execute the priests and they let them go and start healing the sick again and then some good Indians wanted to adopt Jean so he went and then saint Isaac and another priest went on a journey to visit the tobacco people and they stopped on the way at Joseph's ( he's a convert ) house and Joseph said the tobacco people were hostile but they still went, and the people were hostile and they wouldn't let the priests into their house's so they had to stay outside and it was winter and then Joseph and some of his warriors came and then they went home. One day pere Isaac was traveling with an Indian chief and a French youth named la lande when some Indians attacked them and took them prisoner and then when they got to the capital he saw his Mohawk aunt (he had been there before) and she took him to her house and then she went to a meeting to see if Isaac could preach there and while she was there an Indian came and invited Isaac over to his house for a feast and when they got there one of the Mohawk killed him. On June 29, 1930, pope Pius the XI raised pere Isaac to the altars of the church.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The good master by Kate seredy, a narration

once upon a time there was a boy named Jancsi and his cousin Kate was coming because she had had the measles (Jancsi didn't know what the measles were he thought it was something wonderful) and she was a city girl and she was delicate so he and his father were going to pick her up from the train

to be continued

Monday, January 30, 2006

The singing tree

the singing tree is about ww1, and I liked it because it was about family and peace. The story begins when Jancsi(11-12) takes his cousin Kate to their uncle Moses to buy ribbons for her wedding bonnet because their friend peter was going to marry their friend mari