Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Saint Hyacinth of Poland

Saint Hyacinth of Poland had a brother named Ceslaus who was a year older than Hyacinth, they were both interested in the spiritual life at an early age, so when they grew older, their uncle Ivo who was the bishop of cracow took them in, and then when dominic de guzman came he brought them to his monastery with herman and henry who were lay attendants to the bishop, and then after three months, bishop ivo said he needed them

to be continued

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The women at the tomb - a narration

on Sunday after Jesus had risen some women went to the tomb very early to put spices on Jesus's body.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The resurrection of Jesus - a narration

when the apostles heard that Jesus was dead they came back to Jerusalem and then they went to the house where they ate the last supper with Jesus, they were pretty sad, but on Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead as he had promised.